Kevin Franklin started The Refreshing in a house 10 years ago where a couple of friends simply had a hunger for God and a desire to worship Jesus together. They gathered as a small group simply to worship, and they encountered God in that house together. Soon, the small group of friends became a large group of individuals with a shared passion to love and worship Jesus. In the past 10 years the Refreshing has grown to multiple house worship gatherings and the ministry is having an impact across the United States as well as in other nations. Many lives are being transformed through the encounters people are experiencing with Jesus through the work of this ministry.
The Refreshing carries a burning passion and vision to see America and the nations transformed through a discipleship movement as well. Jesus commanded us to “Go into all the world making disciples of all nations”. We believe that many of the problems we face today are a direct result of fatherlessness and motherlessness. Broken families, divorce, depression, suicide, incarceration rates, illiteracy, etc. can be traced back to a breakdown of family. From her roots, The Refreshing has existed to create a company of individuals who simply burn with a passion to love and worship Jesus not only in their songs, but with their lives everyday. The Refreshing is committed to raising up fathers and mothers who will disciple a generation longing for real family, and to continue creating places where people can come to worship and encounter Jesus.